ABOUT Certified Information Security Expert

Quicken up your pace in developing your cybersecurity career with Information Security Expert certification. Earn this certification to prove that you possess the skills to design, implement and manage a cybersecurity program effectively. You can validate your expertise and become a certified expert in information security with IIFIS - Information Security Expert certification, which unlocks an array of absolute and networking opportunities.

The ‘Certified Information Security Expert’ certification from IIFIS advances your career and lets you gain the skills to prove as one of the best from the cybersecurity leaders community. The certification is well-known to be ideal for Information Security officers; IT professionals; Security Systems engineers and analysts; Security Managers, Auditors, Architects, Consultants and Network Architects.

Objectives Of Information Security Foundation

To ensure professionals in computer security to gain standard knowledge.

To achieve a successful career in information security domains with Information Security Expert certification from IIFIS.


Prerequisite Certification

No mandatory prerequisites

Who can pursue this certification?

Anyone who is into Information Security domains and wants to improve their skills.

Individuals looking for a career in Information Security domains.